Connect and Grow Magazine - Edition 10 June- July 2024
For those who live with neurodivergent traits, finding the balance between being in an action phase and also being in a resting stage can be a bit of a challenge, especially for those who have ADHD or AuDHD. With ADHD, the person is often hyper-focused on a task or unable to focus on much. During the hyper-focused phase, the person may not remember to eat, and time can disappear quickly; sometimes, they can be so focused that they don't sleep until the task is done.
Quieting the mind can be a challenge but with the right strategies and tools a little easier
While they are productive, it can take its toll on their health and wellbeing and can lead to ADHD burnout.
ADHD burnout signs and symptoms are:
•          Lack of motivation.
•          Exhaustion
•          Brain fog
•          Lack of ability to make decisions
•          Wanting to sleep the entire day and still feeling tired
•          Irritability
•          Negative thoughts
•          Over or under-eating.
•          Choosing high-calorie, high-fat foods.
•          Less social
•          Not responding to messages or returning phone calls.
To break the cycle of ADHD burnout, it is essential first to recognise it and then be prepared to take action, including rest.
Burnout is serious, and seeking and obtaining the right support is important.
Put strategies in place, such as setting the alarm to stop and break the hyperfocus. This can be a challenge initially, as being in the hyperfocused state often feels good as things are getting done and progress is being made. However, it is problematic when it creates burnout, so it is essential to know your limitations and signs of burnout early so you can change and learn to add a break and remember to eat and rest.
Often, resting is seen as a waste of time. The person's brain doesn't stop just because the body requires rest. However, when there is burnout, the thoughts will continue, but concentration levels are lower. Therefore, the person will struggle to decide, or at least one with clarity and without emotions.
If you are neurodivergent, do you know your signs and symptoms and your limitations of when you are STARTING to be burned out or heading into overwhelm? It may feel uncomfortable initially, but it can be worth it.
Health and wellbeing are essential for everyone to enjoy and have a quality of life. Many people, especially women who have ADHD, find that they have to keep going and keep taking care of everyone else. When they become burnt out, it takes a long time to get over it and recover, especially if they are single parents or even business owners.
Commitment to giving to others and showing up overrides everything else. Dopamine release comes from doing, not resting at the same level the person feels good at.
Wellbeing, happiness, and success are very different for those with neurodivergent traits. The uptake of dopamine, the feel-good hormone, takes longer than for other people. This is why burnout occurs and is worse than simply being tired.
To help with self-care, I recommend making a list of things that will help you relax and sleep well. Slow down your racing thoughts so your body can slow down and rest.
Meditation can help with this, even a guided one. It allows the conscious brain to focus on the words, the subconscious mind to relax, and the body to relax. This is important for overall health and well-being.
It is worth taking the time, having patience, and keeping working on it to relax more and take care of yourself. Burnout is no fun! Life is better when you have clarity of mind, which supports you in doing what you can physically and feeling good
Written by
Jacqui Gran
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
If you are a business and would like to understand Neurodiversity in the Workplace, we have a book, and we also have opportunities to book Jacqui to come to your workplace and speak with your staff.
To learn more, visit our website: Neurodiversity Training and Consultations.
(C) 2024 Break Free Consultancy, Connect and Grow Magazine
Disclaimer: All information is correct at the time of publication