Connect & Grow Magazine: Issue 15: November - December 2024
As we approach the year’s end, there can be pressure to finalise things.
Here are 5 steps to deal with deadlines and get tasks done while managing your stress:
Have all your tasks written in one place
If you don’t have a ‘to-do’ list written down or feel incomplete, write down all the tasks and projects that are on your mind or stored in different places, like your emails or calendars. It can be on paper or electronic.
Review and prioritise what’s important.
Read over your list to see where you can delete, delegate, or postpone tasks. Consider:
Does it need to get done at all? Is it a ‘must do’ or a ‘nice to have’? Is it important? Does it help you achieve your goals? If not, cross it out.
If the task requires you to act, are you the best person for the job? If not, arrange for someone else to do it or, at the very least, ask for some help.
When does the task need to be done? Can this task wait? How important is it compared to other tasks? Move things that aren’t urgent or important off your list until you have the time and capacity. If you’re afraid you’ll forget, create a phone reminder for when it needs to be done.
Rewrite your tasks to be simple, clear, and actionable.
 Once you’re satisfied that everything on your ‘to do’ list needs to be done, ensure
 your tasks are simple, straightforward and in small enough parts to action them in one go. Where possible, write the task starting with a verb.
For example, instead of writing ‘Dishes’, break it down into more specific steps like ‘Unload dishwasher’ and ‘Load dishwasher and turn on’ (decide how much detail you need). Or 'Write an opening paragraph of report section x' instead of just ‘Report’.
Focus on doing one thing at a time
Sometimes, we can get overwhelmed by the enormity of our list and put off doing anything. Breaking down projects and setting clear tasks makes it easier to start.
Pick one thing on your list and do that. Perhaps start with something interesting or easy. Once you have finished something, hopefully, you will feel better, have more momentum, and have information about the next best step.
Keep going through your list one by one.
Take regular breaks
Remember to pace yourself, especially on big projects or longer tasks. Perhaps set a timer to work on the task, even for 15 minutes.
Acknowledge and celebrate your progress. Give yourself small rewards. In between tasks, do a nurturing, replenishing activity, like drinking water, stretching, or getting into nature. Limit distractions or activities where you can lose track of time.
Hopefully, these steps help you let go of the non-important tasks and create simpler, clearer tasks to deal with your deadlines with more confidence and less stress
Written by Natalia Walker
Natalia is available for consultations.
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Disclaimer: All information is accurate at the time of publication and subject to change.